AllWorld Culture July 3, 2023 [Japan]Marine day Marine Day is a national holiday in Japan, observed on the third Monday of July… Jerry Love1
AllWorld Culture June 28, 2023 [Japan]Gion Matsuri Gion Festival is a month-long celebration held in Kyoto from July 1st to 31st. The… Jerry 0 Love0
World Culture June 22, 2023 [Japan]Embracing Winter Comfort : Kotatsu The "kotatsu" is a traditional Japanese heating appliance that consists of a table with a… Jerry Love0
Living in Korea June 20, 2023 [Japan]The rainy season in Korea and Japan The rainy season in Japan and Korea is generally similar but has some differences. In… Jerry Love0
World Culture May 4, 2023 [Japan]Exploring Japan’s Golden Week and Children’s Day Celebrations Japan is in the middle of ゴールデンウイーク(Golden Week), a long holiday period lasting from April… Jerry Love0